One Sweep Stand
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Post by Rubedo Promet Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:35 pm

(Takes place after this post)

-- blazingEntropy [BE] began pestering tumultuousFacade [TF] --
BE: ?.- Oh, I see you sent me a reQuest.
BE: ?.- ThanK you, I was a°Fraid I would °Forget your handle.
TF: seemed /ike you were busy enough avoiding the sun
TF: i figured i wou/dnt make it so you had to worry about memorizing my hand/e as we//
BE: ?.- Yes, I admit I was a little distra°Cted there.
BE: ?.- Or maybe way too distra°Cted.
TF: not going b/ind is a good thing to be distracted about
TF: in my opinion
BE: ?.- As mu°Ch as I °Find the sun as interesting, I must agree with you. I'd rather Keep mysel°F as un°Cra°CKed as possible be°Fore my death.
BE: ?.- A°Fter that happens I doubt I'll mind it as mu°Ch anyway.
TF: the cracking usua//y happens during decomposition ive found
TF: so you shou/dnt have to worry about it
TF: but that shou/d be a /ong ways away right
BE: ?.- Yes.
BE: ?.- Although i°F my eyes are still unblinded, I'd say that you have more °Chan°Ces than me o°F staying here.
BE: ?.- °For a lot o°F sweeps more.
TF: i try not to make assumptions on text co/or
TF: but something te//s me youre not /ying about yours
TF: if you think that way about your /ifespan
BE: ?.- It doesn't really bother me anyclay.
BE: ?.- some o°F my neighbors are pretty desperate about it though.
TF: if it he/ps ive met a /ot of tro//s of your caste
TF: youre pretty we// off
TF: compared to them
TF: and me
BE: ?.- ThanK you.
TF: no prob/em
TF: its gotta be nice to have somewhere you /ive though
TF: even if is a hivestem
BE: ?.- I'm a°Fraid I've hardly ever le°Ft my hive, so °For me to begin to °Compare both states would be raw.
BE: ?.- Do you travel a lot?.
TF: no i just /ive in a tent for fun
TF: of course i trave/ a /ot
TF: ever since i can remember
BE: ?.- Not a lot o°F °Fun, but Quite a lot o°F travel. Am I °Corre°Ct to assume that you don't travel out o°F your solid love °For adventure?.
TF: dont get me wrong adventuring is a// kinds of fun ive seen things you wou/dnt even be/ieve
TF: but my /usus never stays in one p/ace
TF: sometimes i wake up and theres a sma// arrow drawn and ive got to go and figure out where the he// hes gone
TF: odds are its a few nights away
BE: ?.- Well, that surely seems liKe a lot o°F worK to do. But it's ni°Ce o°F him to give you warning o°F whatever he's up to. I thinK..
BE: ?.- It would be ni°Cer i°F he waited °For you though.
TF: im pretty sure its just so i dont run off in the comp/ete/y wrong direction
TF: it wou/d be nicer but i dont think he rea//y cares too much about being nice
TF: maybe im wrong i mean he seems pretty enthusiastic whenever were trave/ing
BE: ?.- Maybe it's be°Cause you're °Following him that he's enthusiasti°C? Some o°F my neighbors do not have a lusus anymore, but I haven't asKed them i°F it's be°Cause they ran away.
BE: ?.- Or maybe they got Killed.
TF: i dont know which is worse
TF: ....but dont you think if he wanted me to fo//ow him he wou/d just stay put
TF: it just doesnt make sense
TF: id be fine if we just stayed in one p/ace
TF: then i cou/d make friends that i wou/dnt have to /eave
BE: ?.- Well... Now I don't Know. What Kind o°F lusus do you have?.
TF: someone to/d me his forma/ /usus tit/e once
TF: i forgot it
TF: hes just kind of a big snake
TF: ...snacustodian i think...
BE: ?.- Oh. I don't Know that lusus. But aren't reptilian lusi always on the hunt o°F warmer °Climates and °Food?.
TF: my schoo/feeding on repti/ian /usii was /imited
TF: probab/y
TF: i wish he cou/d just te// me himse/f
BE: ?.- Maybe he's talKing to you in his very own sneaKy ways.
BE: ?.- I don't Know i°F he °Can talK.
BE: ?.- I don't even Know i°F mine °Can talK, so we're on the same pot there.
TF: its kind of ridicu/ous to think that he cou/d ta/k since he hasnt ever done so before
TF: im nine sweeps o/d youd think he wou/d have done it by now
TF: whats your /usus /ike
BE: ?.- Nine sweeps is more than enough time °For that, you're right..
BE: ?.- And mine's a Phoenix.
BE: ?.- Sounds hotter than it really is, trust me.
TF: i dont know it sounds /ike that cou/d be a rea//y good furnace if you worked together with him
TF: not that you need a furnace
BE: ?.- He would be i°F he didn't burst in °Flames at the most unpredi°Ctable moments.
BE: ?.- He's banned °From my wardrobe and °Curtains are banned more than ever.
TF: thats inconvenient
TF: im surprised you sti// have things to wear
TF: i wonder if he cou/d affect some of my meta/working gear
TF: give me a ye// if he bursts into f/ame whi/e im around
BE: ?.- I thinK you will be able to see that °Clearly °From where you are. SmoKe and °Flames in the middle o°F the night are more than a bit bright..
BE: ?.- Do you worK as a bla°CKsmith then? Or somedish liKe it?.
TF: when conditions a//ow
TF: some tro//s /et me use their shops
TF: otherwise im stuck twisting wire and doing mundane tasks /ike that
TF: i cou/d go on forever about it
TF: but i wont because im rea//y tired and shou/d s/eep
BE: ?.- That's interesting.
BE: ?.- °For more than one reason.
BE: ?.- But you're right, we should Keep this °Conversation °For tomorrow.
TF: im /ooking forward to it
TF: good day
BE: ?.- Have a ni°Ce dinner.
-- blazingEntropy [BE] ceased pestering tumultuousFacade [TF] --
Rubedo Promet
Rubedo Promet

Posts : 243
Join date : 2014-04-19
Location : My room

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BE/TF Empty Re: BE/TF

Post by Rubedo Promet Thu May 29, 2014 8:41 pm

-- blazingEntropy [BE] began trolling tumultuousFacade [TF] --
BE: ?.- Theiyw, I hope I'm not bothering, but are you here?.
TF: what no
TF: youre not bothering
TF: and i am here
BE: ?.- Good, be°Cause I need to talK to you about somedish in parti°Cular.
BE: ?.- Tell me: How mu°Ch longer are you going to be °Camping around my area?.
TF: ive been here a whi/e
TF: so probab/y not much /onger
TF: why do you ask
TF: i dont do going away parties
BE: ?.- To be honest, I was thinKing o°F giving you a little departure gi°Ft on the day you le°Ft.
BE: ?.- But °For several reasons, I may not be available on that day.
TF: as /ong as its not a party
TF: wait what
TF: youre not going to be there
TF: damn dude why
BE: ?.- I have been slightly busy with several topi°Cs.
BE: ?.- I have so many plates in the oven.
BE: ?.- Several orders still in the Kit°Chen. You Know how it is, I have to taKe those out be°Fore they pile up.
TF: i dont know you have a /ot of ovens
TF: you cou/d make a mea/ for the entire hivestem in a night i bet
TF: not that i suggest that
BE: ?.- As a younger and somewhat °Foolish wiggler, I may or may not have °Considered it.
BE: ?.- However my point still stands.
BE: ?.- I may not be at home on the day or your departure, nor available anywhere near to give you a proper °Farewell.
TF: i guess if thats the way its got to go
TF: you didnt find a new hive did you
BE: ?.- Sweet potatoes Theiyw, no, lowbloods su°Ch as mysel°F °Can't aspire to go mu°Ch higher than a °Communal hivesteam. And I don't really liKe the rural environments around.
BE: ?.- °Charming, but not °For me.
BE: ?.- I'm just...
BE: ?.- LooKing °For somedish.
TF: if you werent such a coo/ guy id ca// you a shutin
BE: ?.- Ex°Cuse you, I a°Ctually go outside o°F my hive.
BE: ?.- Didn't I just mention I was looKing °For somedish?.
TF: your hive is sma// the wor/d is big i see no difference
TF: yeah you did
TF: ta/k to me about this thing youre /ooking for
BE: ?.- Sin°Cerely speaKing here: I'm not °Completely sure yet what it is.
BE: ?.- It's liKe a really elaborate Quest o°F treasure hunting.
BE: ?.- But with a lot more o°F studying.
TF: studying
TF: this invo/ves me
TF: are you sure
BE: ?.- I°F I had to des°Cribe it anyclay, I'd say I'm helping someone °Find an an°Cient reli°C. But that sounds a lot more entertaining than how it a°Ctually is.
BE: ?.- I°F I have to read one more booK I'm going to puKe.
BE: ?.- But my mind is wandering now.
TF: is this some e/aborate ruse to get me to read history books
TF: yeah we// thats what im here for
TF: wandering
BE: ?.- Theiyw, may I asK, how the °Fruit is maKing you read history booKs ever going to bene°Fit me?.
TF: dunno
TF: if i wasnt me id /augh at me reading history books
TF: so you cou/d /augh and that wou/d benefit oyu
BE: ?.- I hope you °Can °Feel my deadpan gaze pier°Cing your nape °From over here.
TF: i cou/dnt but i can now
TF: thanks for that
BE: ?.- You're wel°Come.
BE: ?.- But going ba°CK to the topi°C.
BE: ?.- Should I go over there now?.
BE: ?.- I thinK you may a°Ctually enjoy this gi°Ft.
TF: okay okay
TF: come on over
TF: dont bring your deadpan gaze
BE: ?.- I'll try my best.
BE: ?.- Hang on, I'm °Coming over.
-- blazingEntropy [BE] ceased trolling tumultuousFacade [TF] --
Rubedo Promet
Rubedo Promet

Posts : 243
Join date : 2014-04-19
Location : My room

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