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Post by Theiyw Hopaea Sun May 18, 2014 5:41 pm

-- aquaticAssassin [AA] began trolling tumultuousFacade [TF] --
AA: h€llo :3
AA: i am hoping that i typ€d in th€ right handl€
AA: just l€tting you know that i am now und€rwat€r...
TF: yeah its me
TF: if youre eisire at /east
TF: its me
TF: theiyw
AA: good morning th€iyw (:€
AA: soooo y€ah i am now swiming with da fish€s
TF: you make it sound /ike you drowned
AA: as th€ ganst€rs would say
TF: even though that is probab/y impossib/e
TF: can a seadwe//er drown
AA: hmmmm
AA: i don't b€li€v€ so!
AA: p€rhaps if th€ir gills w€r€ not working prop€rly
TF: oh right
TF: for some reason when i was /itt/e i used to be/ieve you didnt have gi//s at a// and just breathed it in through your skin
TF: seadwe//ers have a/ways been a mystery for the most part
AA: if it mak€s you f€€l b€tt€r until i was about on€ or two sw€€ps old i didn't know th€r€ was a whol€ world b€yond my oc€an
TF: ...
TF: i cant imagine that
TF: i serious/y cant imagine not knowing more than one p/ace, ever
AA: i was rath€r littl€
AA: and thats just my lif€ i gu€ss (:€
AA: although my island is quit€ b€autiful
AA: i am d€finat€ly going to hav€ to start staying abov€ ground
AA: hop€fully you will g€t to s€€ it soon! (:€
TF: im pretty sure that i was dragged off from the caverns by my /usus and started moving around right from there
TF: yeah i havent been to an is/and yet
TF: my /usus cant rea//y swim and neither can i so there rea//y was never a point
TF: just another thing for me to add into my journa/!
AA: th€n p€rhaps you will s€€ som€thing you hav€n't s€€n b€for€!
AA: i will k€€p my mouth shut so it will all b€ a big surpriz€!
TF: as /ong as its not a dangerous p/ace im okay with that
AA: don't worry it isn't!
AA: w€ll mayb€ during hurrican€ s€ason
AA: but thats not for anoth€r month
AA: W€ll, um, thank you again for h€lping m€
TF: yeah its no prob/em
TF: thanks for not /etting me come visit you during a hurricane
TF: and for buying me shoes
AA: its no probl€m :3
TF: and other things?
AA: oth€r things?
AA: O:€
TF: what does O:€ mean
AA: i suppos€ thats my curious fac€
AA: idk
TF: is that a good thing for it to mean or a bad thing for it to mean or is it just neutra/ and i am yet again reading far too into things
AA: im rath€r tir€d and my brain isn't working prop€rly tbh
TF: im pretty tired too
TF: since i didnt get too much s/eep /ast day
AA: y€ah... i'm sorry about that
TF: dont apo/ogize its not rea//y your fau/t
TF: but given my tiredness
TF: just forget about me mentioning other things
AA: ok (:€
AA: did you g€t back to your t€nt ok?
AA: i m€an aft€r w€ part€d ways
TF: yeah i did
TF: i have a re/ative/y okay sense of direction
TF: i even made it back to that food cart i found you at
TF: to get some food
AA: aw€som€ (:€
AA: ugh i don't know if i want to €at or sl€€p first wh€n i g€t back to my hiv€
AA: my l€gs ar€ killing m€
AA: as w€ll as my f€€t
TF: s/eep
TF: un/ess you are too hungry to s/eep
TF: in which case you shou/d eat and then s/eep
AA: right now i am to hungry and tir€d to swim straight
AA: so p€rhaps snacks th€n b€d
TF: yeah
TF: depending on the qua/ity of your sopor
TF: you might be ab/e to have a snack in your coon
TF: without fa//ing as/eep
TF: /ike a grano/a bar or something
AA: y€ah i can do that, i oft€n r€ad b€for€ th€ sopor s€ts in
AA: ok i think i n€€d to put my palmhusk away
AA: i walk€d straight into a s€aw€€d for€st
TF: right
TF: that sounds awfu/
TF: seaweed in /akes is gross
TF: i cant imagine a forest
TF: ugh
TF: rest we// when you get back to your hive
AA: it is a tasty snack though!
AA: and i will! (:€
AA: i hop€ you sl€€p w€ll this day :3
TF: i wi// dont worry
TF: ta/k to you /ater?
AA: goodday th€iyw! (:€
AA: of cours€!
TF: great
TF: goodday
AA: xxx

-- aquaticAssassin [AA] gave up trolling tumultuousFacade [TF] --
Theiyw Hopaea
Theiyw Hopaea

Posts : 148
Join date : 2014-04-19

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AA/TF Empty Re: AA/TF

Post by Theiyw Hopaea Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:15 pm

TF: are you fee/ing better
AA: not r€ally to b€ hon€st
AA: i'm gonna try and sl€€p €v€rythign off
AA: *€v€rything
TF: s/eeping he/ps
TF: so does wa/king for me but i dont know how much of that you can do underwater
AA: i'll b€ fin€ in a w€€k or two
TF: thats kind of a /ong time
AA: y€ah, gills can tak€ a whil€ to h€al compl€t€ly
AA: and i can't us€ th€m unl€ss th€y ar€ 100% fully functional
TF: oh
TF: we// at /east you can swim
TF: i hope
AA: y€ah (:€
TF: because i /eft the jetski on the beach..
TF: and i cant exact/y bring it back
AA: i will figur€ out a way to g€t it back don't worry about that!
TF: i// hide it so it doesnt get sto/en
TF: do you want me to hide the key to your hive
TF: i sti// have it
AA: you can hang onto it if you want
AA: i m€an i hav€ my own k€y so i dont r€ally n€€d it
TF: i know but
TF: i mean i figured thats a /ot of trust
TF: i guess i cant get there anyways cause i cant swim
TF: sti//
TF: thanks
AA: w€ll y€ah i do trust you
AA: you'v€ had my lif€ in your hands many tim€s
AA: so y€ah
TF: yeah
TF: sti//
TF: thanks
TF: it means a /ot
TF: i mean ive never actua//y had a key before
TF: its kind of coo/ i wonder how its made
AA: i think th€r€s som€ kind of machin€ that cuts all th€ notch€s?
TF: hm
TF: i// /ook it up
AA: you'll hav€ to t€ll m€ what you find :3
TF: i wi//
TF: definite/y
TF: i// send you /ots of pictures of my trave/s too
AA: i'd lov€ that!
TF: since youre stuck on that is/and for a few weeks
TF: anyway
AA: i gu€ss i'll l€t you g€t back to your night th€n?
TF: i cant imagine that being stuck there
AA: just want€d to mak€ sur€ you got back ok :3
AA: €h i'm us€d to it
TF: im back okay [:Q
TF: s/eep we//
AA: good :3
AA: now i can worry a littl€ l€ss
TF: or whatever it is seadwe//ers do
 AA: s€adw€ll€rs sl€€p just lik€ landdw€ll€rs (:€
AA: you g€t som€ r€st too
TF: i know you took a nap remember
TF: i wi//
TF: if this guy stops trying to remove my arm from my body
AA: wh€n you f€€d him h€ will stop ch€wing on you (:€
AA: plus h€'s just got baby t€€th
TF: theyre sti// teeth
TF: a/right i// /eave you to your night
TF: get better eisire
AA: goodnight th€iyw (:€
AA: and thanks :3
TF: yeah
TF: thanks
 TF: goodnight

 -- tumultuousFacade [TF] gave up trolling aquaticAssassin [AA]
Theiyw Hopaea
Theiyw Hopaea

Posts : 148
Join date : 2014-04-19

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